Terms of Service

Terms of Service big market shop
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Conditions of Use Conditions of Use

0. Bank account
For domestic payments, please use the following account information.
Account Name: Jürgen Laskowski
Account no.: 0315696830
BLZ: 500 105 17
Bank: ING DiBa

Tax number: 16/413/61554

For international payments please use the following account information.
Account Name: Jürgen Laskowski
IBAN: DE89 5001 0517 0315 6968 30

EU-VAT no.: DE814203915
EORI-Nummer: DE7880170

1. Scope
Our terms and conditions govern the contract for all with you, our customers, agreements to be concluded. Different conditions of the purchaser shall apply.

2. Formation of Contract
Your order is binding. We can assume, at our discretion within two weeks by sending the goods or by an order confirmation. The buyer confirms that the information requirements of the operator in accordance with § 312 BGB are met in full. Furthermore, the customer confirms that he, the information that is contained in these terms, has printed. (We recommend you print these terms so completely).
Who exactly Order - sellers of spirits:

big market - Inh. Jürgen Laskowski 
Buckower Damm 86 in 12349 Berlin 
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: +49 30 604 56 86
Tax number: 16/413/61554
EU-VAT no.: DE814203915
EORI-Nummer: DE7880170

3. Teachings on the right of withdrawal, return
The teachings on the revocation of the right to return and see you please you with the conclusion of the ordering process the sent e-mail.
4. Price-/Productchanges- and delivery reservation
It shall be the price of our current catalog shipping Tax plus shipping as stated. Prices subject to change without prior notice. We reserve the right to goods not to accept orders by customers and not for lack of availability of this export. In this case we will notify you immediately reimburse you and any advance payments. In the figure shown are classic examples that can actually delivered the goods from the image even though it is the same content.
5. Payment and delivery
We deliver against prepayment or cash plus the current carriers on the order specified shipping (only applies to the standard package). If dispatch is not possible with a standard package, we will inform you separately about Versandungkosten. COD is only possible for shipments within Germany.
6. Transfer of risk
The risk passes to the buyer when the shipment is on the transporting person or company has been given or the shipment has left our house. If shipment is delayed through no fault or becomes impossible, the danger with the notification of readiness for shipment to the buyer. A case in transport costs has agreed takeover of by us does not affect the transfer of risk.
7. Retention of title
The delivered goods until full payment is our property, regardless of the expiration of the period.
8. Defects in the goods
If you delivered the goods to be technically defective or defective, we will be within the existing legal provisions and service immediately remedy the situation. Please contact our customer service immediately to send, or send us the defective product carefully packaged and postage paid, indicating the lack of our address. To exercise your rights on the original invoice is required. Your delivery note to us (package label), we ask for proof purposes, be carefully kept.
9. Prices.
Prices are subject to change and apply from Berlin plus the transport and handling costs. The prices at the time of order.
10. Parental alcohol sales
The sale of alcohol to people under 18 years is prohibited. Our offer is aimed exclusively at adults. If you are under 18 years of age, you may order any spirits about us. When ordering, you agree to these rules and ensure the minimum age of 18 years have already passed.
11. Privacy
We use your order-data only in strict compliance with applicable privacy policy. Your data is only un dausschließlich passed to send the goods to the carrier (usually DHL or German Post AG).
12. Choice
Only German law.

13. Jurisdiction is Berlin.

Notice of this right  
The German withdrawal unfortunately applies only for shipments within Germany

For shipments within Germany
You can cancel your contract within 14 days without giving reasons in writing (eg letter, fax, e-mail) or - You the goods before the deadline - by returning the goods. The time limit begins after receipt of this Instruction in writing, but not before receiving the goods by the recipient (in case of recurring deliveries of similar goods before receiving the first partial delivery) and also not fulfill our obligations in accordance with Article 246 § 2 connection with § 1 paragraph 1 and 2 draft Law and our obligations according to § 312e paragraph 1 sentence 1 BGB in conjunction with Article 246 § 3 BGB. The revocation period is sufficient to send the revocation or thing.
The revocation must be sent to:
big market - Inh. Jürgen Laskowski 
Buckower Damm 86 in 12349 Berlin
e-mail: info@big-market.de 

In the case of an effective cancellation the mutually received benefits and any benefits (Eg interest). Can you give us the performance received whole or in part, or just in a state , To return you must pay us compensation for the value. With the release of things this does not apply if the Deterioration of the case solely on their examination - as it would have been in a shop possible - is. In addition, you can the obligation to pay compensation for a determination by the proper use of the thing Avoid degradation by using the goods as your property and everything that could reduce its value. Package are to be returned at our risk. You have to bear the cost of return if the delivered Goods ordered and if the price returned the case of an amount not exceeding 40 euros or if you at a higher price the thing at the time of the revocation yet the return or a contractually agreed part payment have provided. Otherwise, the return is free for you. Not parcel things do you pick. Obligations to reimburse payments must be made within 30 days. The period begins with the dispatch Your notice of cancellation or the goods for us with their receipt.
End of the cancellation

